Post by David DaltonMarch 19, 2025. (Ostara Eve). To get UTC add 2.5 hours.
Ostara (spring equinox) will be at 6:31 a.m., in less than
ten hours, and I will probably be up until then.
1. [B] and incorporation will be started at the same time as
the other seven (now again initial) items.
So that’s another fucking backsliding change.
Goddess and other collaborators began the initial nine
items at 8:37 p.m.
If I have little or no evidence that this is working by 2 a.m.,
I will abort this attempt, and won’t be up until Ostara.
If this attempt fails, I won’t try again until just after the
exact time of new/dark moon or later.
March 20, 2025 (Ostara in the north/Mabon in the south)
It is after 2 a.m. and I have had no followups indicating that
someone has experienced effects, no hits on my mystic
page, and relatively few feedback effects, which could be
The attempt has progressed to the point where everything
is on/done except the rest of [PCMM] (to be followed by
[F4], [HCP], and [GSB]) and [SMPES] (to be followed
by s.m.p.e. onset and ongoing s.m.p.e.
If it is working, some of you might have experienced funnel
bounce to negative magick and indeterminate magick that
you have used for negative purposes. This can be worked
off by your following your healing circle prescription.
But as a result of the funnel, negative magick spells that
were on you may have been lifted, and you may be
experiencing trickle-through/recovery. Also, as a
result of the funnelling of many breakage spells,
postive magick broken by such breakage spells may
have been restored.
And one effect of [RAFHDBE] should be that most couples
should have become optimally sexually compatible (a
minority already were) and that benefit should more
than compensate for any funnel bounce. (But note
that some relationships were too abusive and have
been broken up.)
So given that I have had very little evidence so far,
will I now give up on this attempt? Well, at this
stage I will just get some sleep and wait for
more evidence by tomorrow evening. Please
follow up if you have any such evidence, or
email me if you don’t wish to post.
Ostara Blessings to those in the northern hemisphere
and Mabon Blessings to those in southern hemisphere.
(What do pagans celebrate on the equator?)
David Dalton *** (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)