David Dalton
2024-08-21 09:02:16 UTC
As part of ongoing sudden evolution, including of current
adults, there have been the following changes affecting
1. There has been a species split into 60 species, with no sexual
compatibility across species boundaries. Some abusive
relationships have been split across species boundaries.
2. Remaining abusive relationships have been made optimally
sexually compatible, which will eliminate the abuse. Indeed,
89% of committed relationships (not all abusive) have been
made optimally sexually compatible. 8%, including all committed
same gender relationships, already were, and the same gender
relationships are now more likely to stick (see 7 below).
3. Sex will not proceed unless there is mutual compatibility,
mutual attraction, and mutual consent. (And one-way
attraction has been turned off.)
4. An initial kiss on the lips (which could be a dry kiss) is
required at the start of sex.
5. There should now be no attraction between someone under 18
and someone more than two years older or younger than them.,
6. Direct sexual attraction, bridge/friendship attraction, and
charisma attraction should now be easier to distinguish.
7. Like straight-type-1-M--straight-type-1-F, bif--straight-type-2-M,
and bim--straight-type-2-F, same gender relationships (bif--bif,
bif--lesbian, lesbian--lesbian, bim--bim, bim--gay, gay--gay)
will now lock for life at first sex if neither is already locked to
someone else. And primary optimally compatible same
gender relationships who have had sex have been retroactively
locked for life.
8. The physical evolution will result in:
(a) puberty at 16,
(b) fertility from 39 to 70 (note lifespans will be much longer),
(c) ovulation on demand only with no menstruation ever unless
a pregnancy attempt fails,
(d) a maximum of 3 children per woman (unless she has already had more),
(e) at least 5 years between each child.
(f) rapid healing of female genital mutilation.
9. As part of the healing circle prescriptions working:
(a) medium to extreme criminal who are not following their
healing circle prescription will have infertility and miscarriage of
pregnancies of less than a lunar month after conception,
(b) pregnancies of less than a lunar month after conception
that are not explicitly wanted by all responsible party/ies
will miscarry, regardless of goodness levels or following or
not following healing circle prescriptions.
10. The species split is into 5 species in which the equivalent
to 100 years in homo sapiens is 300 years, and 55 species in
which the equivalent is 200 years. The 55 no longer have any
transgender, two-spirit, or four-spirit. My species (Beothuk)
has some transgender, two-spirit- and four-spirit who do not
want to transition. Hain species is of two-spirit twosomes
spending five years as physically male, five years as physically
female, and five months in each transition period. Vico
species is of four-spirit foursomes cycling from (physically)
F-->H1-->M-->H2-->F, three years in each phase and with
four months in each transition period. (Note that many
transgender have become two-spirit or four-spirit.)
The other 2 of the 5 are gilled and photo (photosynthesizing).
A corollary of #5 is that sex workers under 18 will have to cater
just to people compatible with them who are two years or
less away in age from them.
A corollary of #3 is that lesbian sex workers will have to cater
just to women.
But what about poor and/or addicted sex workers? There is
a tug and/or delivery including of money and employment
that should help poor sex workers. And I have funnelled
the sin of addiction to be adjusted by Goddess to something
better, hopefully a lack of addiction or at least a reduction
and deterrence. Moreover, the sudden magickal physical
evolution should soon heal the physical cause of addiction.
Also note that all 60 species have eight sexual harmonics
(see https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html ) and that
most who have identified as asexual or incel are
straight-type-2 by the notation of that page. (More
women identify as asexual and more men as incel.)
adults, there have been the following changes affecting
1. There has been a species split into 60 species, with no sexual
compatibility across species boundaries. Some abusive
relationships have been split across species boundaries.
2. Remaining abusive relationships have been made optimally
sexually compatible, which will eliminate the abuse. Indeed,
89% of committed relationships (not all abusive) have been
made optimally sexually compatible. 8%, including all committed
same gender relationships, already were, and the same gender
relationships are now more likely to stick (see 7 below).
3. Sex will not proceed unless there is mutual compatibility,
mutual attraction, and mutual consent. (And one-way
attraction has been turned off.)
4. An initial kiss on the lips (which could be a dry kiss) is
required at the start of sex.
5. There should now be no attraction between someone under 18
and someone more than two years older or younger than them.,
6. Direct sexual attraction, bridge/friendship attraction, and
charisma attraction should now be easier to distinguish.
7. Like straight-type-1-M--straight-type-1-F, bif--straight-type-2-M,
and bim--straight-type-2-F, same gender relationships (bif--bif,
bif--lesbian, lesbian--lesbian, bim--bim, bim--gay, gay--gay)
will now lock for life at first sex if neither is already locked to
someone else. And primary optimally compatible same
gender relationships who have had sex have been retroactively
locked for life.
8. The physical evolution will result in:
(a) puberty at 16,
(b) fertility from 39 to 70 (note lifespans will be much longer),
(c) ovulation on demand only with no menstruation ever unless
a pregnancy attempt fails,
(d) a maximum of 3 children per woman (unless she has already had more),
(e) at least 5 years between each child.
(f) rapid healing of female genital mutilation.
9. As part of the healing circle prescriptions working:
(a) medium to extreme criminal who are not following their
healing circle prescription will have infertility and miscarriage of
pregnancies of less than a lunar month after conception,
(b) pregnancies of less than a lunar month after conception
that are not explicitly wanted by all responsible party/ies
will miscarry, regardless of goodness levels or following or
not following healing circle prescriptions.
10. The species split is into 5 species in which the equivalent
to 100 years in homo sapiens is 300 years, and 55 species in
which the equivalent is 200 years. The 55 no longer have any
transgender, two-spirit, or four-spirit. My species (Beothuk)
has some transgender, two-spirit- and four-spirit who do not
want to transition. Hain species is of two-spirit twosomes
spending five years as physically male, five years as physically
female, and five months in each transition period. Vico
species is of four-spirit foursomes cycling from (physically)
F-->H1-->M-->H2-->F, three years in each phase and with
four months in each transition period. (Note that many
transgender have become two-spirit or four-spirit.)
The other 2 of the 5 are gilled and photo (photosynthesizing).
A corollary of #5 is that sex workers under 18 will have to cater
just to people compatible with them who are two years or
less away in age from them.
A corollary of #3 is that lesbian sex workers will have to cater
just to women.
But what about poor and/or addicted sex workers? There is
a tug and/or delivery including of money and employment
that should help poor sex workers. And I have funnelled
the sin of addiction to be adjusted by Goddess to something
better, hopefully a lack of addiction or at least a reduction
and deterrence. Moreover, the sudden magickal physical
evolution should soon heal the physical cause of addiction.
Also note that all 60 species have eight sexual harmonics
(see https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html ) and that
most who have identified as asexual or incel are
straight-type-2 by the notation of that page. (More
women identify as asexual and more men as incel.)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)