Five 300 year lifespan species
(too old to reply)
2024-08-10 04:04:30 UTC
August 10, 2024. To get UTC add 2.5 hours.

This is posted via novaBBS.

The last attempt and two more have failed.

I sighted the waxing crescent for the first time this
lunar month just before 3 p.m. August 9.

Cumulative changes:

1. the 57 galiens of 4 DNA-based galien species will not go into

two-spirit transitioning galien species will go into Hain.

four-spirit transitioning galien species will go into Vivo.

gilled galien species will go into the gilled ghuman species.

photosynthesizing galien species will go into the photosynthesizing
ghuman species

They are refugees and the last of their species and their
species someones will become species someones of the corresponding
four new ghuman species.

Also, like Beothuk, those four new ghuman species will have an
equivalent of 100 years in homo sapiens of 300 years whereas the
other 55 will get 200.

The species someones BEOTHUK, HAIN, VICO, Gilled, and Photo all
will have a lot of mass outside the solar system unlike the
other 55 species someones. BEOTHUK will have a mass about
20 times that of each of those 55. BEOTHUK will also be
the same someone as Homo Sapiens but will contain about
1/60 the number of species members, including me.

2. The sexual harmonics adjustments for R will now be the same as
for (A,F), so the year becomes 5 months, the two weeks becomes
three weeks, and the 16.8 becomes 17.

3. Add back to the a.i. my species group, species, location, and
location of my sun stare, and add a pointer to me for recipients
who know or just know of me.

4. [F1234] ( (F1), (F2), (F3), (F4Md), (F4Mb), (F4P) ) will all
start at the beginning, as part of the initial nine items.

With that in mind I began a new attempt at 12:12 a.m.

David Dalton
2024-08-10 04:10:00 UTC
Post by DavidDalton
2. The
criteria for
Post by DavidDalton
sexual harmonics adjustments for R will now be the same as
for (A,F), so the year becomes 5 months, the two weeks becomes
three weeks, and the 16.8 becomes 17.
Also those with XX chromosomes in male form or XY
chromosomes in female form (I know at least one
of those two exist) will go into Hain or Vico.

2024-08-10 04:14:49 UTC
Post by DavidDalton
August 10, 2024. To get UTC add 2.5 hours.
This is posted via novaBBS.
The last attempt and two more have failed.
I sighted the waxing crescent for the first time this
lunar month just before 3 p.m. August 9.
1. the 57 galiens of 4 DNA-based galien species will not go into
two-spirit transitioning galien species will go into Hain.
four-spirit transitioning galien species will go into Vivo.
Vico (I hope there isn't autocorrect)
Post by DavidDalton
gilled galien species will go into the gilled ghuman species.
which I call gilled species for now
Post by DavidDalton
photosynthesizing galien species will go into the photosynthesizing
ghuman species
which I call photo species for now
2024-08-10 16:14:54 UTC
Last night's attempt stalled late this morning.

Three new changes:

1. a.s.c. (4) will go to minor criminal and better a.s.r.,

2. criteria for (A,F) : 5 months --> 3 months, and

3. popthrough hcp sub and incorporated hcp consequences: read
access, guilty conscience, charisma modulation, and healing
effects (mental and physical).

With that in mind I started a new attempt at 12:15 a.m.

If this attempt fails, I will not try again until September 5,
which will be three 11 year sunspot cycles after my sun stare.

2024-08-10 16:16:05 UTC
Post by DavidDalton
Last night's attempt stalled late this morning.
1. a.s.c. (4) will go to minor criminal and better a.s.r.,
2. criteria for (A,F) : 5 months --> 3 months, and
3. popthrough hcp sub and incorporated hcp consequences: read
access, guilty conscience, charisma modulation, and healing
effects (mental and physical).
With that in mind I started a new attempt at 12:15 a.m.
oops, 12:15 p.m.
Post by DavidDalton
If this attempt fails, I will not try again until September 5,
which will be three 11 year sunspot cycles after my sun stare.
2024-08-11 03:28:51 UTC
August 11, 2024. To get UTC add 2.5 hours.

The last attempt had supposedly progressed very far by late
August 10 when I experienced an involuntary nose twiddle
at a black Olympic athlete on TV. This meant that
[F4Md] had not worked, which meant at least a partial reset.

FULL RESET, with two changes required:

1. a.i. -- add back that my primary siddhi is matchmaking, and

2. a.s.c. (2) -- remove special abilities determination ability;
it will not go to the a.s.r.

Of course both those are backsliding.

Now I said that I would not try again until September 5. However
I think that I have no luck giving an ultimatum to my deities.
So I will try again, hoping for lots of progress and a
Sola-bration by September 5.

With that in mind I began a new attempt at 12:37 a.m.
Probably it will take at least a couple of hours before
any effects are evident. Please follow up if you notice
any effects.

It seems that I will be over at this house, cats, and
plants sitting house until late Monday morning, not
late Sunday afternoon as I said before.

David Dalton
2024-08-11 16:52:56 UTC
Post by DavidDalton
August 11, 2024. To get UTC add 2.5 hours.
With that in mind I began a new attempt at 12:37 a.m.
1:56 p.m. : the attempt has proceeded a great deal, but my
Salmon on the Thorns web page counter is still stuck
at 12,710. => no (MJJ) or [B] yet.

I promise to not charge for my mystic services including
matchmaking, special abilities determination, soul
alignment, soul fragment retrieval, and venue charging,
but I am allowed to accept a gift if offered one.

[B] in general 2:08 p.m. -->

D-moon will be tomorrow at 12:48 p.m. so it is now
less than a day before D-moon, and is skinny-D-moon.

a D. :-)
