Dan Burisch, Cube, Yellow Book, Black Box, Stargates and the Looking Glass
(too old to reply)
Moon Monolith
2007-08-24 00:53:34 UTC
Stargate Secrets : Dan Burisch revisited
A video interview with Dan Burisch
Las Vegas, June 2007
Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Lynn Cassidy

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At 1 am May 18th., U.S. Pacific coast time,
Dr. Burisch, Mrs. Burisch, and Miss McDowell accepted
Holy Orders in the Prieure de Sion, all vowing to never
admit to the Order. They have all received their rings,
which are said to be all silver with fleur-de-lis creating
a cross and surrounded by M's for Mary of Magdala.
The photographs in eaglesdisobey.net's gallery show
Dr. Burisch and Miss McDowell wearing their rings.

You can just barely make out Dr. Burisch's, but one
can easily see Miss McDowell wearing her ring.

I have proof now that Dr. Burisch will not be able to refute!
We have learned that a secret code was sent out by
Dr. Burisch and Miss McDowell to their contacts in the
"Emanation of the Solfeggio" presentation.
They knew all along about the Solfeggio's cube from the
Angel which appeared to Dr. Burisch. Their excuse that
it was fellow Brit, Robert Blair, which inspired them is
complete nonsense. The publication was ready to go
and your presence at Miss McDowell's residence was
an alibi you would carry to everyone that they were
writing the document then.

The message was meant to say to their contacts that
the Prieure de Sion was rising in the United States.
Figure 25 in their publication shows the Vitruvian Man
by Leonardo. The painting was produced by Leonardo
in 1492, and that was a message to the other Lamedvavniks
that the Prieure de Sion is now inside of America,
as different groups of Lamedvavniks are spreading out
in our world to keep the people calm when the changes
happen. The symbol of 1492 is the year that Columbus
sailed the ocean blue, to America.
Dr. Dan Crain (Dan B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.)

The Priory of Sion: The End of the Hoax?

Priory of Sion Fake Parchments - History of a Hoax

The Priory of Sion Hoax

The Prieure de Sion, usually rendered in English
translation as Priory of Sion (occasionally as
'Priory of Zion'), an alleged secret order sworn to
defend the mythical Jesus bloodline which
protected Jesus' descendants, including the
Merovingian rulers of France and their heirs,
was fabricated by French royalist Pierre Plantard
in the 1950s as part of a personal plan to become
King of France; fake documents created as part of
the hoax have been included in best sellers
purporting to be non-fiction such as The Holy Blood
and the Holy Grail as well as novels such as
Dan Brown's controversial The Da Vinci Code.

-----Original Message-----
Solar Energy Production on
the Moon for Cis-Lunar Space
The Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies
CE01. Joint C/E-Conference Session: Nuclear
Technology in Support of Space Colonization
Chair: TBD
Co-Chair: Anne Garber, NASA Marshall
Space Flight Center, AL,
Nuclear technology has the theoretical potential
to enable exploration, utilization, and colonization
of the entire solar system. In addition, innovative
concepts have been proposed for using nuclear
technology to reach several of the nearer star
systems within a few hundred years.
This session will explore the potential use
of nuclear technology in support of space
colonization. Topics of interest include both
advanced nuclear power systems and
advanced nuclear propulsion systems.
Advanced missions, anticipated requirements,
and integrated scenarios for colonization are
also of interest. Papers that discuss required
technologies and options for developing
those technologies are also encouraged.
E12. The Why: "Market Pull"
Moon Development
Jamestown On the Moon and Beyond
Chair: Piero Spillantini, University of Florence,
Co-Chair: TBD
Over the past four years members of the SCTC
have identified the Moon is as the single, most
important "High Ground" as to the strategic
interests of the United States in the 21st century
and beyond. No other "location" on Earth or in
Space comes even close to the overarching,
dominant place the Moon has in assuring peace,
economic security and resolving conflicts in
favor of US interests and free market
democracies in the decades and centuries ahead.
The Moon is dominant in (a) Communications,
Navigation and Data Base(s) applications and
extensions of current Leo, HEO and
Geosynchronous infra-structures - a $6 to
10$ billion global industry; (b) Observations,
be it Weather, Earth resources, Environmental
and Disaster warning and assessment capabilities,
Sun-Earth observations, Ocean monitoring etc.;
(c) Energy, be it Solar, Nuclear fission or
potentially fusion using the 3He sources,
for use on the Moon, from the Moon and for
Earth; and (d) Habitats and Closed Ecological
Life Support Systems, extending mankind's
presence from Earth to the Moon and possibly
beyond into the Solar system.
University of New Mexico
Institute for Space & Nuclear
Power Studies
Farris Engineering Center
Room 239, MSC01-1120
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: 505.277.0446
Fax: 505.277.2814
New Details of U.S. Moon-Base
Project Reveal Nuclear Intentions
The first steps toward building a manned lunar base
and eventually sending astronauts to Mars quietly
unfolded in recent days, as NASA issued a call to
industry and academia for proposals on how to best
proceed with those projects. Although President Bush
in January revealed his preliminary intentions to
jump-start future U.S. space missions, The Peacock
Report (TPR) this week obtained planning documents
revealing the possibility of constructing nuclear power
plants on the moon, where "both human and robotic
agents" would operate technology production facilities.
NASA has begun searching for a contractor to
first devise a Lunar Base Report, which would
provide specifications and graphic renderings
of a conceptual lunar base. The creation of what
are known as "In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)
production facilities," which would extract mineral
and other resources from the moon and Mars
to produce materials, also will be addressed
via the report. Additionally, it would evaluate
the potential role of private, commercial
ventures in outer space. ...
South Korea Train a Grande Vitesse (TGV)
The Korea Train eXpress (KTX) is South Korea's
high-speed rail system. It is operated by Korail.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTX
< > http://www.nineplanets.org/overview.html
< > http://www.esa.int/esaCP/index.html
< > http://ulysses.jpl.nasa.gov/
< >
< > Illuminatus!
< > http://www.deepleafaudio.com/
< > http://www.rawilson.com/main.shtml
2007-08-24 01:16:31 UTC
Dan Burisch <snip>
Dan Burisch is a fraud -- a Pentagon/CIA provacateur, bunker and con
Demo Hassan
2007-08-24 02:36:39 UTC
Post by www.freedomtofascism.com
Dan Burisch is a fraud -- a Pentagon/CIA provacateur, bunker and con
Yes, of course, absolutely, as the original poster indicated...
clearly a quirky hoax wrapped in a plastic tortilla. Like the
Which raises the rhetorical question, per the latter:

"The HOAX as


Healing Song:

Prayer (from the Navajo healing ceremony called Night Chant)

House made of dawn.
House made of evening light.
House made of the dark cloud.
House made of male rain.
House made of dark mist.
House made of female rain.
House made of pollen.
House made of grasshoppers.
Dark cloud is at the door.
The trail out of it is dark cloud.
The zigzag lightning stands high upon it.
Male deity!
Your offering I make.
I have prepared a smoke for you.
Restore my feet for me.
Restore my legs for me.
Restore my body for me.
Restore my mind for me.
This very day take out your spell for me.
Your spell remove for me.
You have taken it away for me.
Far off it has gone.
Happily I recover.
Happily my interior becomes cool.
Happily I go forth.
My interior feeling cool, may I walk.
No longer sore, may I walk.
Impervious to pain, may I walk.
With lively feeling may I walk.
As it used to be long ago, may I walk.
Happily may I walk.
Happily, with abundant dark clouds, may I walk.
Happily, with abundant showers, may I walk.
Happily, with abundant plants, may I walk.
Happily, on a trail of pollen, may I walk.
Happily may I walk.
Being as it used to be long ago, may I walk.
May it be beautiful before me
May it be beautiful behind me.
May it be beautiful below me.
May it be beautiful above me.
With it be beautiful all around me.
In beauty it is finished.

last song of Sitting Bull

A warrior
I have been.
it is all over.
A hard time
I have.
(Teton Sioux)
Sitting Bull sang this, his last song, after he had
surrendered to the United States authorities
some time after the Custer massacre.
ghost dance song

The whirlwind! the whirlwind!
The new earth comes into being swiftly as snow.
The new earth comes into being quietly as snow.
2007-08-24 02:58:26 UTC
On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 19:36:39 -0700, Demo Hassan
Post by Demo Hassan
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."

-- Spock
2007-08-24 04:34:54 UTC
Post by Demo Hassan
Post by www.freedomtofascism.com
Dan Burisch is a fraud -- a Pentagon/CIA provacateur, bunker and con
Yes, of course, absolutely, as the original poster indicated...
Right, you Zionist shill -- you're backpeddling now. Zionists fear
anything which they can't control -- like PSI or extraterrestrials or
technology that they're too ignorant to understand. But when it comes
to fraud, mind control, media propaganda, economic slavery, torture
camps, holocausts, war, lying and rampant greed, they excell.

Burisch is a fraud and a Zionist who doesn't know shit about anything
extraterrestrial, or anything scientific.

Sion is real. Sionists (Zionists) are genocidal racist killers, sub-
humans -- devoid of moral conscience:

Prescott Sheldon Bush
2007-08-24 19:27:03 UTC
www.freedomtofascism.com wrote:
[> Zionists fear anything which they can't
[> control -- like PSI or extraterrestrials or
[> technology that they're too ignorant to
[> understand. But when it comes
[> to fraud, mind control, media propaganda,
[> economic slavery, torture camps, holocausts,
[> war, lying and rampant greed, they excell.
[> Sion is real. Sionists (Zionists) are genocidal
[> racist killers, sub-humans -- devoid of
[> moral conscience:
[> www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Prieure+de+Sion++Zionism

Am Segulah -- the "chosen people" -- an idea which
sets Jews apart from others, becomes understood as
the "well-choosing people", something that any nation
that segulah --"sustains the action of learning" -- can
aspire to. This is not word-play. We have simply
re-discovered and re-validated traditional claims
that Torah Hebrew roots are not arbitrary,
but rather, intrinsically define that which
they describe. The Hebrew letter Samek
means "to sustain". Gimel refers to
"action" or "relationship" (a camel),
and Lamed means "learning"
(Samek-Gimel-Lamed is the root
of segulah, "chosen/choosing").
Any person or people that "sustains the
action of learning" learns to choose well.

Simply by moving from noun-translations
to verb-translations, principles that
previously have set Jews apart and
caused jealousy now unite us with others,
as examples of successful behavior.



The Six Day War had its origins in disputes
between Israel and Egypt over the rights of
Israeli shipping to pass through the Suez
Canal and the Red Sea. The State of Israel
had been founded in May 1948.
The boundaries established by Israel's
1948 war with its Arab neighbors had held
uneasily for a few years when Egypt's ruler
Gamal Abel Nasser decided in 1956 to
nationalize the Suez Canal and deny passage
to Israeli ships both there and in the Straits of
Tiran that led to the Red Sea. Israel responded
by invading and occupying the Sinai Peninsula
for several months until a United Nations
peacekeeping force was put in place and the
right of free shipping restored.
In late May 1967, Nasser told the U.N. force
to leave Egypt and again closed the Straits
of Tiran to Israel. Egypt also began preparing
for an attack that was aborted when the Israelis
learned of it. The United States, which had
guaranteed Israel's right to passage through
the Straits, asked Israel not to attack while it
pursued a diplomatic resolution, but that effort
was unsuccessful, and after a May 26 meeting
with Israel's foreign minister, President Lyndon
Johnson declared, "I've failed. They'll go."

The war began on June 5 with Israeli preemptive
air strikes that destroyed 286 of Egypt's 420
combat aircraft. Israeli tanks surged across the
Sinai, and its troops took over the Egypt-occupied
Gaza Strip. Focused on the fight against Egypt,
Israel initially did not seek to move against
Jordan, which controlled East Jerusalem and
the West Bank, but when King Hussein's troops
began shelling Israeli positions, the battle plans
changed. Israeli paratroopers captured East
Jerusalem on June 7, and the Israeli army
stormed across the West Bank, driving opposing
forces to the Jordan River.
Cold War Conflict
In the meantime, both the United States and
the Soviet Union publicly sought a ceasefire
while privately warning the other not to
intervene in the fighting (in fact, the 1967 war
marked the first use of the diplomatic "hot line"
between the two countries). While not rebuking
Israel for its preemptive strike, the Johnson
administration did impose an arms embargo
on the region. It did not retaliate when the
Israelis attacked an American intelligence ship,
the U.S.S. Liberty, on June 8, accepting the
official explanation that the assault had been
a tragic accident. The United States became
more concerned when Israel began to push
into the Syrian-held Golan Heights, raising the
possibility that the Soviet Union would respond.
A U.N.-sponsored ceasefire took hold on
June 10, however, and direct confrontation
between the superpowers was avoided.

The breadth of Israel's military success in the
Six Day War was stunning; its troops captured
the Sinai, Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem,
and the Golan Heights, doubling the territory
under the nation's control. Israel inflicted
casualties at a rate some 25 times higher than
it suffered, and it captured nearly 6,000 prisoners
while having only 15 taken by the other side.
But Israel's military dominance also created
problems; roughly 500,000 Palestinians were
displaced by the fighting, and a million were now
under Israeli control in what became known as
the "occupied territories." That November,
U.N. Resolution 242 urged withdrawal from
these territories in exchange for a permanent
end to hostilities; this "land for peace" formula
became the cornerstone of subsequent
negotiations in the region. But the war had
destroyed the dreams many Palestinians had
of using Arab armies to defeat Israel and
establish an independent state in all of
pre-partition Palestine. Despite the defeat,
the Palestinian exile leaders were not
interested in peace. On the contrary, given
the demonstrated military weakness of the
Arab states, they were convinced that they
had to be more aggressive in opposing Israel
and demonstrating that Palestinian
nationalism had not died.

Former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser
attempted to resign after the Six Day War.
The address was broadcast live on Egyptian
television and radio on June 9, 1967. Egyptians
did not accept his resignation, and he continued
to lead the country.

The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and
Gaza greatly increased the numbers of Palestinian
refugees living in squalor on international charity
in camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.
These camps provided the bases of support
and recruits for the various Palestinian militant
organizations grouped under the loose umbrella
of the P.L.O. led by Yasser Arafat. One such
group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine was formed a few months after the end
of the Six Day War. Within a year, it would stage
the first hijacking of an Israeli airplane, ushering
in a new phase of the Middle East conflict.

Separation Wall
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