Matches from April 9 to July 2, 2021 not yet on the
"various matches" thread on alt.religion.druid (though
I will post this there when this, which I am saving as
2021matches.txt, is done). There may be a little
duplication of some stuff I have already posted in
this thread. But this includes many not previously on
this thread including ones for Jim Carrey and
Leonardo Dicaprio (both straight-type-2-M who
each had an old lock which has now been dissolved).
Once again I had a precursor early on April 9, 2021
where I used my bridge/friendship/trust attraction
to say that Mikaela Testa is now happily lesbian.
Then on April 10, 2021 I said that my matchmaking
ability had returned to me.
Below I will use the following notation:
1M = straight-typw-1-M (optimally compatible with 1F)
1F = straight-type-1-F (optimally compatible with 1M)
2M = gay male (optimally compatible with 2M and 3M)
2F = lesbian (optimally compatible with 2F and 3F)
3M = bisexual (attracted to both genders) male, or bim
3F = bisexual (attracted to both genders) female, or bif
4M = straight-type-2-M (compatible only with 3F)
4F = straight-type-2-F (compatible only with 3M)
(Actually I haven't edited this file to always use
that notation yet but will before putting it on
my Salmon on the Thorns web page as a subpage
of a planned 8H.html subpage. If I say purestraight
below I mean straight-type-1, and if I say 4thO
I mean straight-type-2.)
Some may ask why don't I make straight-type-2-M,F 2M,F.
Well it is mainly for backwards compatibility with my
past writing, where for many years I was saying there
were four orientations: purestraight (now straight-type-1),
gay/lesbian, bisexual, and fourth orientation (compatible
only with bisexual of the opposite gender, and which
I now call straight-type-2). That is why I assign
straight-type-2 number 4. Also while some bisexuals
(attracted to both genders) are straight by lifestyle
choice, I don't call them straight-type-3, but I guess
they could call themselves that if they want, but they
are still bisexual by my notation and should admit their
attraction to both genders if they want the best match
of the opposite gender, which is a straight-type-2.
And for transgender individuals I add a T, so for
example a 1MT is spiritually as 1M in a female body.
But the harmonic 1M is really the same as 1MT,
so I still say there are only 8 harmonics, not 16.
And I define two-spirit differently from transgender
and ha having both a male harmonic and a female
harmonic. e.g. 1M/1FT (where I put in the T to
indicate that the individual is in a male body).
St. Vincent is 4MT and had an old lock.
Cara Delevingne is 3MT.
This they are not compatible though that might have
been more apparent to St. Vincent than Cara, and
which could explain why they broke up.
At least up until recently, Cara would also be attracted
to lesbians, and perhaps orgasmic with them, but
the lesbians would not have been orgasmic with
her. If the regular higher dimensional body edits
have occurred, bims (and trans bims like her)
should no longer be attracted to lesbians.
It could be that Cara Delevingne was orgasmic with
St. Vincent but St. Vincent was not orgasmic with
Cara Delevingne. And again, if the regular higher
dimensional body edits have occurred,
Cara Delevingne should no longer be attracted
to people who she isn’t compatible with.
I was just listening to the CBCMUSIC Top Twenty countdown
and noted that UK artist Celeste, who has the great hit song
Tonight, Tonight, has changed from lesbian to bif and
is compatible with St. Vincent.
April 13, 2021
My matchmaking ability, if it is still with me, is weaker tonight,
though yesterday I noticed a Cape Breton woman with
short dark hair and a pale face on I think Power and Politics
on CBC News Network who is another 4MT, i.e.. spiritually 4thOM
in a female body, and compatible directly and up close
only with bifs (that is women who are attracted to both
genders) and would have a bridge/friendship attraction
to lesbians who are happily lesbian. Since she leapt out
at me I think she needs a match and may think she
is attracted to straight women since many bifs say they
are straight (and some lesbians say they are bif, and
some bimTs say they are bif).
April 14 on
This morning when listening to LP’s song How Low Can You Go
on the radio I intuited that they is 4F, so compatible only with
bims (men who are attracted to both genders) and bridge
compatible (i.e. with a bim in between them) with gays
who are happily gay.
Of course LP would also be attracted to a bimT
such as Cara Delevingne, but LP might prefer
a male form partner.
I think LP and CD, ha, are both a.s.r. I
guess there could be a threesome of LP, CD, and
a bim (CS for cassette?), but make sure it isn’t a
bifT (such as Jeremy Dutcher) or a gay saying that
he is bim, but it could be a bim saying that he is
straight Oh, one CS is Christian Slater, but he
is a lesbianT and not compatible with those LP or CD.
If Christian is a transgender lesbian he would be compatible
with lesbians and bifs, and I assume that his past partner
and partner Ryan and Brittany fall into those categories.
(later: his wife is bif).
I don’t know if LP had an old lock, but if so, such
have been dissolved if they had not been
consummated after three years (except e.g.
if they are young people who are together
but not having sex yet). If she had an
old lock with a bim she would have been
unable to get any other bim without the
first bim’s permission.
But e.g. an old lock that is now at 2 years and 11 months
won’t be dissolved in another month, so some, some
who may consider themselves to be incels, will
need the advice of a matchmaker in the future,
or might benefit from knowledge of my experience
and be able to identify the one they have an old
lock with and get permission from him or her to
be able to get someone else. (I previously
said that Sarah would have to give permission
to the other bif but I now divine that she
would have to give permission to me.)
Also probably most bims (males who are attracted to
both genders) say they are straight, and some
(e.g. Rick Mercer) say they are gay.
(ha, Rick Mercer’s middle initial is not P,
so I guess he won’t hook up with LP and CD)
I just heard Jann Arden’s Can I Be Your Girl on VOCM
and she is 4F and had an old lock. Ha, maybe she
will grab (also funny) bim Rick Mercer.
Morganne of the old Vancouver band Rockaway Revue
is also 4F and may have had an old lock.
A video of that band is at
I think Joni Mitchell (4F, who I said in 2019
is compatible with e.g. 3Ms Tom Waits and/or
Bill Clinton) had an old lock as well.
Another pitfall now in matching people is that
now a matchmaker has to be sure they are
in the same species, since ghomosapiens
has split into 55 species in ghuman species
group. So simple identification of the
sexual harmonic(s) or two people and
then deciding that they are compatible
won’t always work, one has to intuit whether
they are optimally sexually compatible,
and ideally within optimal sexual compatibility
find a match which is optimally personality-wise
Another pitfall now in matching people is that
now a matchmaker has to be sure they are
in the same species, since ghomosapiens
has split into 55 species in ghuman species
group. So simple identification of the
sexual harmonic(s) or two people and
then deciding that they are compatible
won’t always work, one has to intuit whether
they are optimally sexually compatible,
and ideally within optimal sexual compatibility
find a match which is optimally personality-wise
A bisexual (3M or 3F) (someone who is attracted
to both genders, and i mean spiritual genders,
not necessarily bodily forms) can be bisexual,
gay/lesbian, straight, or celibate by lifestyle
choice. However I do not class them as
straight-type-3. I think a 4M or 4F would be
happier with bisexual(s) who are bisexual
by lifestyle choice, and I think the ratio of
3F/4M and 3M/4F is a bit higher than 1:1
However if Sarah wanted me all to herself
she could have me, but I can’t wait forever.
Now let me digress. When I was looking at Colleen Eccleston’s
picture on her Simple Joy of Moving cassette,
I noticed she is bi, which I never noticed before,
but not now in my species. So I intuited that
she had in place one of those sexual shielding
spells that warded off attention from optimally
compatibles (4thO males, bifs, and lesbians)
while allowing attention from partially compatibles
and incompatibles. In my main funnel component
the three such sexual shielding spells have now
been adjusted to do the reverse, allow attention
from optimally compatibles and ward off attention
from partially compatibles and incompatibles.
So who is Colleen Eccleston compatible with?
She is a.s.r. and is e.g, compatible with
4thO male a.s.r. Curt Bisquera, who has
drummed with Sarah, and Colleen and Curt
are in the same species. Hopefully Sarah
can confirm this possible match.
I intuit that Colleen and Curt are in the Romany species,
though there are also some Romany people in my
species, which is multicultural and multiracial.
I have previously said that other bifs who had such
sexual shielding spells in place are Sheryl Crow,
Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and local Kelly McMichael. Two
other locals are Toni-Marie Wiseman and the
woman in the doggy style picture outside the
Cotton Club (which is a strip club, not jazz bar)
here in St. John’s. And I noticed two others
recently: Whitney Houston (R.I.P.) and
Avril Lavigne. So anyway they (except Whitney)
should all be able to now land 4thO male,
lesbian, or bif matches if they don’t have them.
I first noticed the first sexual shielding spell
when Kelly McMichael (who will have a new
album out soon which promises to be very
good, and she is also part of Sarah Harmer’s
touring band whenever touring starts up) bumped
into me at the bar and felt compatible, piercing the spell.
This evening when listening to Q I noted that
Charlotte Cardin is 4F and now free of an old lock
and is compatible e.g. with bim Shawn Mendes.
Lyle Lovett is 1M compatible e.g. with 1F Gillian Welch.
She is a bit younger than him but that shouldn’t matter
as much with the evolution and associated longer
Julia Roberts I find hard to do but I think she is a
3MT and already has a good match.
I think at least the regular higher dimensional
[update I think they are both a.s.r., so further HDBE]
body edits have been done, since before them
I intuited that Mathias Kom and Ariel Sharatt
of band The Burning Hell (who are very good)
were gay and lesbian, but now it seems they
are optimally compatible 4M and
3F though not in my species (but I think in
the same species as St. Vincent and Celeste).
[update: I do now think Mathias and Ariel are in my species]
So Mathias must not have had any same
sex partner(s). Also I am not sure why
Celeste went from lesbian to bif in the additional
and further higher dimensional body edits.
Also I don’t know if Mathias and Ariel have
a child under 16 (including adoptive or fetus).
Amanda Parris and Odario Williams should
now be compatible as well and from their
pictures I think they have gone from lesbian
and gay to bif and bim so they must each
have at least one same sex partner. And
I think they are in my species.
I think from my matchmaking ability that non-abusive
incompatible relationships which have resulted in
at least one child under 16 (including adoptive
or fetus) have been made optimally compatible,
except when each has at least one same sex
partner, when they have become bim--bif (who
are partially compatible, i.e. less than optimally
compatible and less likely to stick). So two
fence jumping gay--lesbian couples each with
a child under 16 would now be a 2bim+2bif
foursome (which I think would be more likely
to stick than a bim--bif pair, since the bims
are optimally compatible and the bifs are optimally
So that is testable, if any of you know of such
a formerly(?) platonic couple with a child under 16,
or even better, the fence jumping pairs, though
those are more common in countries that
still repress same sex relationships.
Oh, since there is no longer any partial compatibility
for asssisted shaktipat recipients, if the foursome
includes at least one a.s.r., instead of 2bim+2bif
they have become 2bim+bimT+4thOF
or 2bif+bifT+4thOM, so all four would be
optimally compatible.
3F Melinda Gates and 4M Ronnie Wood
1M Bill Gates and 1F June Tabor
Ronnie is straight-type-2-M (compatible only with bifs,
but has bridge/friendship attraction to lesbians,
so is bridge compatible, i.e. with a bif in between
them, with lesbians. Also he has had an old lock
which meant he couldn’t get together with any
bif other than the old lock without her permission,
but such old locks have now been dissolved if
not consummated after three years or more.
And from pictures he has had a series of
platonic relationships with lesbians. But now
he could form a bridged V relationship of
him--Melinda--his lesbian wife if all
And when I was doing Bill Gates, before landing
on June Tabor I first thought of Princess Anne,
Meryl Streep, and Sigourney Weaver, but they
all already have optimally compatible
straight-type-1-M matches.
Once again wudao/one/mite/aye/Jay of alt.philosophy.taoism
tested me on a few cases and then didn't tell me if I
was right or wrong:
1. Nicole Maines?
I am pretty sure that she is straight-type-1,
so 1FT who has partly transitioned to
female form, and I hope that will be completed
by the sudden magickal evolution. She is
in the same species as Bill Gates.
2. Fred, aka Mister, Rogers?
I think he is (or was, if he is dead) two-spirit
4M/2FT (straight-type-2-M/lesbianT) and
compatible with bifs and lesbians, and
his wife Joanne is lesbian, and he would
have been directly compatible with her
only when projecting his female side.
What is/are the sexual harmonic(s) of the individuals?
I think they are gay and lesbian friends and still are
(unlike some platonic couples who had at least
one child under 16 and have been made optimally
sexually compatible).
I looked at pictures of Barack and Michelle Obama
and was able to intuit that Michelle is straight-type-2-F
and Barack is bim (attracted to both genders) and they
are thus optimally sexually compatible. I once thought
that such couples would enjoy healing and longer
lifespan advantages if they added a second bim, but
I now divine that that is not true; a twosome is just
as good in those areas as a threesome (except
perhaps in terms of maximum orgasm levels).
What about Jill and Joe Biden?
Jill is bif (attracted to both genders) and Joe
is straight-type-1-M so they are only partially compatible
(less than optimally compatible and less likely to
stick) and would benefit in terms of healing,
cognition, and lifespan from having optimally
sexually compatible matches.
One possible match for Jill would be Ron Howard,
who is straight-type-2-M (compatible with bifs)
and his lesbian wife, in a V/bridged threesome
of Ron--Jill--Ron’s lesbian wife.
Bruce Jenner is a lesbianT in the same species as (and
compatible with) Ron Howard’s lesbian wife
(though note that I said there could be a
bridged threesome of
Ron--Jill Biden--Ron’s lesbian wife Cheryl, but
if there was a foursome I guess Ron and Jill
could be in one bedroom and Bruce and Cheryl
in another bedroom most of the time.).
One possible match for Joe would be Bette Midler.
Bette’s husband Martin is bim and seems to now
be in a different species than Bette and thus
they are no longer even partially compatible.
One possible match for Martin is Cher, who
is straight-type-2-F (compatible with bims).
I have already discussed the Trumps.
And I have already discussed the Clintons.
(both pairs are just partially compatible)
However Joe Biden, since he was a country leader
when Sola expanded the descriptive list of
assisted shaktipat recipients (a.s.r.) into a list of
individuals, is an a.s.r. Thus if he and Jill were
continuously in a relationship for at least five
years leading up to when the additional and further
higher dimensional body edits were done, they
would have been made optimally sexually compatible.
But that did not occur, so they must have been
broken up at least for a short while within that
five year period. But now, since there is no longer
any partial compatibility for a.s.r., they are no
longer compatible at all (unless the assisted
shkatipat has not yet occurred, and I am still
divining by perineum click divination that it has).
In the past I have said that in addition to Joni Mitchell,
Kate Bush, The Weather Station, and Loreena
McKennit were straight-type-2. Well, Kate Bush
is (and her husband is bim), The Weather Station is,
but Loreena is lesbian (and her fiance who drowned
was transgender lesbian) and in my species.
Also I may have said that LP was Laura Porter
but she is actually Laura Pergolizzi and is
straight-type-2-F and compatible e.g. with
CD (Cara Delevingne) who is transgender bim.
A possible extra bim to make a solid triangle
threesome would be Usain Bolt.
But note that for example a bimT (3MT) harmonic,
such a Bjork or Cara Delevingne, is the same
harmonic as bim, so there are only eight harmonics,
not 16, and I add the T just to indicate they
are in female bodies. (They could be in a foursome
with straight-type-2-F LP and bim The Weeknd,
or even a fivesome with Usain Bolt, or some
subset(s).) (I suggest a closer age match
for Bjork later, but I guess LP-Usain+Cara-The Weeknd
could form a foursome that split into two bedrooms
some of the time.)
I just heard a Bryan Adams song on VOCM and
noted that he is straight-type-1 and optimally compatible
with Alanis Morissette. But then I checked
and they are also each optimally compatible
with their respective spouse.
Pope Francis is a 2FT (lesbianT), so lesbians
in his species should be attracted to him,
and before the species split all lesbians
would have been attracted to him.
From my matchmaking ability, as I mentioned in March 2019
and confirmed again tonight, UN Secretary General
Antonio Guterres is gay, and was incompatible with
his first wife, which may have contributed to her early
However tonight I determined that his second wife
Catarina Vaz Pinto is transgender bim (spiritually
bim in a female body) and they are thus optimally
sexually compatible.
I noted that Salma Hindy, who was on Laugh Out Loud
on CBC Radio One, is straight-type-1-F and compatible
e.g. with fellow comic straight-type-1-M Jonny Harris.
His wife Kaitlin Kozell is bif (but not in my species)
and compatible e.g.. with straight-type-2-M Jim Carrey,
and the age difference won’t matter so much after
the evolution. HIs past two wives were straight-type-1-F
so maybe he fell for them when they were ovulating,
and maybe he had an old lock (with a bif) that
now has been dissolved.
The Dalai Lama is gay and has a good match.
Alison Lohman is bif in my species and is compatible
e.g. with Leonardo DiCaprio, who is straight-type-2-M
(compatible only with bifs) and who had an old lock with
a bif that has recently been dissolved.
Alison’s husband is straight-type-1-M and has a good
match (a straight-type-1-F who is not Alison).
Of course Leonardo would also be compatible
with any bif I have said I am attracted to who
is not involved (or locked) with another straight-type-2-M
(which I used to call a 4thO male). However
most of those are a.s.r. and Leonardo and
Alison are not, and since the assisted shaktipat
has occurred Leonardo would be unable to hook
up with an a.s.r. bif
And I define a bif as a woman who is attracted
to both genders, not necessarily having sex
with both genders. She could be bisexual,
lesbian, celibate, or straight by lifestyle
choice, but again I am not labelling bisexuals
who are straight by lifestyle choice as any
straight-type-3 and they should admit their
attraction to both genders if they want the
best match of the opposite gender, which
would be a straight-type-2.
There are some pitfalls since some lesbians
(attracted just to women) have in the past
chosen to have sex with men and have said
they are bisexual, but they are not. Also
a transgender bim (spiritually bim in a
female body) might say they are a bif.
Also I guess a two-spirit
straight-type-1-F/straight-type-1-M in
a female body might say they are a bif.
And many bifs (females attracted to both
genders) say they are straight.
But anyway, Leonardo DiCaprio and
Jim Carrey are compatible only with
bif(s) in their respective species who
are not involved with another straight-type-2-M
and I think who must have had at least
one orgasm (preferably a fair number for
her age including some recently). So
e.g. Leonardo might be attracted to Judi Dench.
Also since homo sapiens globally has split into
55 equal species in ghuman species group,
there is now no compatibility across species
boundaries, but anyway a straight-type-2-M
should be able to know who he is compatible
with by attraction, as long as he can distinguish
between the bridge/friendship/trust attraction to
lesbians who are happily lesbian (e.g.
Christian Slater, who is lesbianT) and the
direct attraction to bifs (e..g Christian
Slater’s wife; they are both non-a.s.r. and
in Leonardo’s species).
OK, since I mentioned Judi Dench I should think of a good
match for her. Jack Nicholson popped into my
mind and I checked and he is a straight-type-2-M
in my species and had an old lock which has now
been dissolved so he is now available for Judi.
His past wife Sandra Knight is lesbian, so
there could be a bridged threesome of
By the way, Sarah Mclachlan’s former lover David Kershaw
is gay, which may have contributed to her
past depression. (See the end of this post for
a possible match involving him.)
Re the funnel adjustment of sexual shielding spells:
I think it is working since I think NTV news anchor
Toni-Marie Wiseman has a new straight-type-2-M match,
possibly even her colleague meteorologist Eddie Shearr,
whose wife Susan is a lesbian not now in his species
who (Susan) has a good match. (Eddie had
a old lock with a bif which has recently been dissolved,
if the regular higher dimensional body edits worked,
and they must have if Toni Marie and Eddie
are together.) [update: since the adjustment had
not occurred them, Toni must have cancelled the spell,
and also Eddie must have had no old lock].
Also Eddie and Susan’s daughter Emily is in the same species
as Eddie and Toni-Marie, so God has obviously granted
custody to Eddie, and Susan must have been the
abusive one (again some abusive relationships have
been split across species boundaries, and if the
couple was in a tribe the abusive one has gone into
a different species than the rest of the tribe).
two repeats?
1M Drake very compatible with 1F Michelle Williams
ex-of Destiny’s Child
3M Orlando Bloom very compatible with 4F Drew Barrymore
Drake’s partner Sophie Brussaux is lesbian and is
no longer in the same species as Drake and
has a good female match. Drake’s son Adonis
is in the same species as Drake so God has
granted custody to Drake.
Michelle William’s spouse Thomas Kail is bim
(male attracted to both genders) and a good match
for him is straight-type-2-F Alicia Keys.
Alicia Keys spouse Swizz Beatz is straight-type-1-M
and a good match for him is straight-type-1-F
Jully Black, who according to a google of
Jully Black boyfriend
is not dating anyone as of 2021. Whew.
And by the way, Imaan Hammam, who Drake has
also dated, is a gayT and is hence compatible
with bims and gay males in her species, which
appears to be the same as that of Dave Stewart
ex-of The Eurythmics, who is lesbianT, and his lesbian
wife, and Rohan Marley’s lesbian wife Barbara Fialho and
the female match I have intuited she has.
She (Imaan) is also in the same species as and
compatible with gay Antonio Guterres and his bimT
wife Catarina Vaz Pinto but I think they are a
bit old for her. Two possible younger matches
for her are gay Chet Hanks, the son of Tom Hanks,
and the male match I intuit he (Chet) has.
Their species appears to be Romany, the same as
the possible match of Colleen Eccleston and
Curt Bisquera that I mentioned a while ago in
another thread on alt.religion.druid . But there
are also some Romany in my species, which
is multicultural, multiracial, and multireligion.
Again there has been a split of homo sapiens
globally into 55 equal species in ghuman species group,
and I claim the name ghuman1 as a working name
for my species for now.
Boris Johnson is straight-type-2-M, and Carrie
Symonds is bif (female attracted to both genders)
and they are not in my species but are in the
same species as St. Vincent (straight-type-2-MT)
and Celeste (known for her hit Tonight Tonight)
who has changed from lesbian to bif.
Both of Boris’s past two spouses are straight-type-1-F
so they would not have been compatible with Boris
except somewhat when they were ovulating.
(e.g. I am a straight-type-2-M and the one time
I had sex with a straight-type-1-F I had
ejaculation with no orgasm).
I don’t know if
Carrie has any side relationship with another
bif or a lesbian but if so it could become
an extended marriage.
I'll repeat the Auston Matthews stuff since I think
I added some on the hockey groups that I didn't copy
to the "various matches" thread:
Toronto’s Auston Matthews is s straight-type-2-M
in the same species as straight-type-2-MT
St. Vincent (so not in my species, and not
compatible with the over a hundred women
in my categories 1--9) and is compatible
e.g. with interim host of CBC Radio One’s
Marvin’s Room, A. Harmony, though
he is 23 and I think she is a good bit older.
So who is a younger bif in their species?
How about singer/songwriter Ruth B.
And even though he is only 23, Auston
seems to have had an old lock which had
not been consummated after at least
three years when the regular higher dimensional
body edits were done, and hence it was
dissolved then.
But of course a threesome of Auston, A. Harmony,
and Ruth B.would enhance the orgasms of
all three. :-) (That can be tested by masturbation.)
I forgot to google Auston Matthews girlfriend.
Auston Matthews former girlfriend Jordyn Johnson
is lesbian as is Jocelyn Wedow so there could
be a bridged relationship of
Auston--(Ruth B., A. Harmony)--(Jordyn,Jocelyn)
Auston’s old lock meant that he could not be
involved with any bif other than his old lock,
but the old lock has now been dissolved
so he is available to bifs in his species.
Auston’s wife Emily is straight-type-1-F and
thus they are not compatible except a little
when she is ovulating, so he would generally
have ejaculation without orgasm, whereas
directly with a lesbian he would not achieve
an erection. However it would work with a
bif in between him and the lesbian.
One good possible match for Emily is
Juno nominee for Breakthrough artist,
21 year old straight-type-1-M
Curtis Waters, but I don’t know for
sure that he is single (or at least not
in an optimally compatible relationship).
Chris Isaak had been in the same boat as
Auston (the old lock, which has recently
been dissolved), but he didn’t settle for
an incompatible relationship. (Again a
good match for 4M Chris is 3F Melania Trump.)
(Following on the Kate Rusby bit on the "various matches" thread.)
OK (new to this thread) maybe the Bernie Taupin intuition
was to check him and his wife. He is straight-type-2-M
and she is lesbian (in his species, the same as Damian’s)
so they have a platonic/friendship marriage which would
heat up with a bif in between them. It can’t be Judi Dench,
who is compatible e.g. with Jack Nicholson, since she
is in my species. How about Carole Middleton, the
mother of Kate Middleton. Her husband Michael Middleton
is gay and has a good match and is also compatible
with and in the same species as Elton John and his husband.
When I was searching I thought of Adele. She is straight-type-2-F
and had an old lock with a bim that has recently been dissolved,
leaving her available. A suitable bim is Ed Sheeran. His wife
Cherry is straight-type-1-F and compatible with
straight-type-1-M Harry Styles. Whew, no spouse is
listed for him but I had better google Harry Styles girlfriend.
She seems to be Olivia Wilde and is lesbian and has
a good match (other than him, of course) and is no
longer in the same species as him.
Now playing on VOCM a song by Linda Perry,
What’s Up, or What’s Going On. She is non-a.s.r.
straight-type-2-MT in my species. She had an old lock
which has recently been dissolved. Her
former spouse Sara Gilbert is a lesbian not now
in our species. But who might be a bif
not far off in age from Linda and who would
be sexually, personality-wise, and musically
compatible with her. I was going to say maybe
Debby Harry, Joan Jett, Pat Benetar,
Marianne Faithful and they are all non-a.s.r
(as is Linda) but already have straight-type-2-M
matches so are no longer compatible with Linda.
or, since they are non-a.s.r., with me.
Of course she is compatible with bifT Jeremy
Dutcher and that would be an interesting
musical collaboration, and the age difference
shouldn’t matter too much after the evolution.
How about Courtney Love, who is in my
category 10 (tied for tenth most attractive
to me, after the many tied for ninth, who
are all a.s.r.) but is non-a.s.r.? I intuit
that Courtney Love is a good match.
When searching I considered Patti Smith,
and she is straight-type-2-F and had an
old lock which recently has been dissolved,
A good match is bim Neil Young. His
spouse Daryl Hannah is lesbian not in
his species, but in my species so I have
some bridge attraction to her, so she
must be happily lesbian now, and I intuit
that she has a good female match.
Possible foursome:
4F Cyndi Lauper--(3M John Mellencamp, 3MT Bjork)--2M David Kershaw
maybe split into Cyndi-John, Bjork-David some of the time.
The David Kershaw I mean is Sarah McLachlan's old
keyboard player (who also plays bass and sings backing vocals).
They would make a good band.
My matchmaking ability faded on July 2, 2021 but
maybe t will return someday, in which case I would
correct the incorrect/fake matches of 1997--1999
and 2003--2005.
Assisted shaktipat recipients should soon have
matchmaking ability and be able to confirm my
matches and do new ones.
David Dalton *** (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘Early morning jubilators/Up to no good instigators.../Sons of long
forgotten races/That the darkest night embraces.” (Hynes/O'Doherty)